Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima has been romantically linked to musician/singer Lenny Kravitz and Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein. In November 2007, it was confirmed that Lima was dating Serbian basketball player Marko Jaric. Originally, the couple planned on a large wedding in Salvador in June 2009. Fulfilling an early ambition, the couple eloped in a private civil ceremony in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on St. Valentine's Day in February 2009. This was followed by two separate weddings in their respective hometowns several weeks later. In May 2009, it was reported that Adriana Lima applied for Serbian citizenship.

Taylor Lautner

In 2010, at the 82nd Annual Academy Awards, Taylor Lautner and Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart presented a tribute to honor the horror movie genre. Taylor Lautner is currently the highest paid teenage actor.

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